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Marina Ionita

Marina Ionita is the Communications Lead at Biohm. She holds an MA in Ecology, Culture & Society from Goldsmiths, where she honed her interdisciplinary approach to thinking in and acting on the radical ecological transformations that have taken hold of our world. She thinks and researches between the cracks of philosophy, science, ecological anthropology, climate justice, experimental pedagogy, and animal, urban, and death studies.

Her research and work are driven by the radical possibilities of worlds yet to be made, beyond and within the troubling present we inhabit. She is a facilitator of study groups, a reader and weaver of stories, an impatient lover of fermentation, a student of ancient herbal medicine, and a friend to worms and snails. Above all, Marina is inspired by rebellious creatures that don’t conform.

Marina has worked on digital strategies for innovative sustainable start-ups and social enterprises and has facilitated dynamic campaigns in the fields of sustainable finance, events, carbon reduction technologies, and global environmental policy implementation. At Biohm, she builds engaged communities who think through difficult questions together and coordinates the dispersal of Biohm’s philosophies to diverse disciplines in order to foster more collective ways of inhabiting the world, and different ways of working with human and non-human others. She is the editor of Contemplations, producer of Biohm’s podcast, and a connecting thread to Biohm's wider world.

If Marina could be a non-human system, she would be a handful of soil. In as little as a handful of this omnipresent dirt, an ancient community of bacteria, rotifers, protozoa, amoebae, nematodes, mites, water bears, fungi, worms, and other critters are engaged in a lively and festive exchange of appetites that serves as the foundation for countless life forms. Their ancient dance teaches us how we can serve others with our appetites and lives.

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